Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Instructions for Open House 'Ceremony'

Here are some tips for a 旺旺house passed down frm Shuxin:

1. Choose a good date
2. Turn key of door, Knock for 3 times before opening
3. Open but don’t go in yet.
4. Splash in some mixture of rice and salt
5. Row in pineapple to centre of rm if possible. At the same time, say ‘旺’!
6. Row in 4 oranges to corners of rm if possible in clockwise direction. At the same time, say ‘huat’ each time!
7. Enter the house.
8. Open all windows. Can on little flow of tap for just a while.
9. Throw red packets (prob 10 cents inside) & sweets at every corner of house n rms. Can sprinkle some rice and salt too.
10. Bring in an electric kettle (if there is electricity already) and boil water.
11. Put oranges, apples, pineapple, Huat kuey in centre of living rm. (Leave stuffs in house for > 3 days then remove)
12. Pray pray: beside all these fruits, burn 土地公’s paper, charm, joss stick. Rem to bring a metal container or something to contain.
13. Say “ 我们是这里的新主人,住sembawang, 第____ 座,门牌_______ 。今天正式开门。”
14. Burn FU, charm in cup, add water, (if you want, can sip a little), Use the ‘leaves’ to sprinkle the water from inner most part of house to outside. Wash/ dap face. Pour water on floor / drain outside. Do not step.
15. Take some photos of your house! =)

Nodnodz i quite pan-dang one coz gg to live there wor, but also for the fun of it... Of coz i will get bear to do it this Sat morn and me taking pic =) kekeke

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