Sunday, July 12, 2009

So amazing!!! Do you know?????

In twenty-four hours a day, nerve cells in your brain are generating electrical impulses that fluctuate rhythmically in distinct patterns called brain wave patterns—patterns closely correlated with your thoughts, your emotions, your state of being, the functioning of the various systems of your body!
Whole-brain functioning is about brain waves slowing down, both sides or hemispheres of your brain begin to balance and work together.
When this happens, the brain becomes more efficient and effective. In your normal state, one side of your brain is usually dominant over the other. That’s why most people are either right and left-handed.
A synchronized brain with both hemispheres balanced and working together in harmony will be more effective than an unsynchronized or highly lateralized mind.
Also, the two sides of the brain begin to work together, which is called brain synchrony or brain synchronization. Electrical patterns begin to fire together in the same rhythm. It's really a balancing of the brain, and that also contributes to people seeing things in terms of how they are connected - and people feel more calm, more peaceful.

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